There can be various reasons for text message failed to send from the device.
Reason 1:
Users must make sure that they have a proper and strong network as well as an internet connection.
If there is an issue with them, users can either try to restart the internet system or can reboot the device.
Reason 2:
Users must always clear the text message app's cache, as it can slow the device or occupy the space and not let messages be sent or received. So users must clear them to remove all glitches.
Steps to clear the message cache, users must follow accordingly.
Step 1: Open the Settings app and then users must click on the "Apps."
Step 2: From that menu, users would need to click on the "Messages" app.
Step 3: Since the cache would be stored in the storage space of the device, users would need to click on the "Storage" option.
Step 4: To clear all caches, choose the option "CLEAR CACHE".
Reason 3:
The reason why won't my messages send is inaccurate device settings.Check the device settings, and storage space and make sure no filter is set on the settings, and clear all not required files and messages from the device.
Reason 4:
When the phone is not sending texts, check the device SIM CARD, active or not, in such a case, users must remove the sim card from the device and place it again after properly cleaning the sim card trash.
Reason 5:
The most common reason why aren't my messages sending is software not being updated. Users must check for updates from the settings option and choose the software update option and check if users are now able to send messages or not.